Author: Dr. Tom O’Bryan
Category: Health & Longevity
When a friend suggested my brain and I read this book, the title struck both of us. Me more than my brain I think. Sorry brain but you could use a bit of a tune up.
We haven’t actually finished reading the entire book but we are very excited to share it with you as we are simply blown away by the content thus far and we simply couldn’t wait.
You may not know this but a lot of neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, Altzheimer’s and Parkinsons are all connected by an underlying mechanism called inflammation. It affects us all to one degree or another. But the good news according to Dr. O’Bryan is we are not helpless to stop this. In fact, we can address and to some extent, even restore brain function – even for the diseases I just mentioned.
In his book, You Can Fix Your Brain: Just 1 Hour a Week to the Best Memory, Productivity, and Sleep You’ve Ever Had Dr. O’Bryan, tells us, in a very easy to understand and entertaining fashion, all the reasons why our brains get gunked up in the first place and offers practical suggestions about how we can identify what’s going on in our heads (and our gut) that causes the issues. And the best part is, he also shares with us just how simple it can be to fix the problems.
That’s good news Brain! You can be fixed!
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